Our History
(Above) Dancing chorus from All Kidding Aside (1956). (L-r) ____, Bruce Dougherty, Neva Baine, Anthony Morse, ____, Sam Payson, Jean Dougherty or Barbara Bradley, John Paine, ____,and Doug Hammond. The 1956 play was set 15 years into the future.
Original Estate of Horace Scudder Sears, founder of WFS. The Estate had a 200 seat theater where Friendly oftened performed before transitioning to our home at the Town Hall.
WFS members who formed the Norumbega Dramatic Club in 1886 that toured neighboring towns. Standing: Miss Edith Coburn, Horace Sears, Arthur Milton, Will Coburn, Miss Elizabeth Viles, and Miss Alice Jones. Seated: Miss Ellen Jones and Mr. Anthony, the school teacher.
Photo from the 1984 production of Hello, Dolly! (Front row l-r) Flora Booth, Scott Smith, Bob Stubbs, Santina Smith as Dolly, Ted Armistead, Margie Quinlan, Robin Rhodes, Gasper Marsala. (Back l-r) ___, Sally Wilbur, ___, ___, Dave Harmon, Alexandra Grant, Merrill Mack, Holly Welch Sullivan, Jon Reilly, and Kathy Hardin. Director John Barclay rented costumes from the celebrated Boston firm of Hooker & Howe.