As the nation's second oldest community theater organization, the Weston Friendly Society has continued to be a key part of Weston and the greater Boston area's cultural scene for over 130 years. It is because of generous financial support from our annual donors that we are able to continue our mission as a non-profit organization: promoting community service and fellowship.
Your gift to us, no matter the size, makes a huge impact for our community theater. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution and help us continue to bring innovative, top-notch theater to the Metro West area at affordable prices. You can either send your donation to The Weston Friendly Society at P.O. Box 162, Weston, MA 02493, or use one of the below buttons to donate online. Givebutter Fundraising Platform accepts most major forms of payment including Venmo and Digital Wallet. Our Donate button accepts PayPal and major credit cards. From all of us at WFS, thank you for supporting the arts! |